Steenberg Vineyards champions #WaterlessWednesday
12:48:00Steenberg Vineyards champions #WaterlessWednesday
Encouraging people to drink more wine and less water is one way to embrace #WaterlessWednesday, but for the team at Steenberg Vineyards saving this precious resource means serious business.
True champions of water conservation, Steenberg reduces its dependence on municipal water by leading water from mountain contours into the farm dam and harnessing rain and grey water for irrigating water wise gardens and vineyards. The winery also has plans to step up its usage of rain water and has come up with some novel water saving solutions such as using squeegees rather than hoses in the cellar whenever possible.
“Saving water is core to everything that we do, from curbing evaporation by mulching, and irrigating the vineyards at night as much as possible, to relying on special probes that measure water levels between the vines,” says farm manager Johann de Swardt.
The Steenberg tasting room has joined fellow #WaterlessWednesday activists, saving every precious drop by becoming extra vigilant. Wine lovers will welcome No-Ice-Bucket Wednesdays as icy temperatures can mask a wine’s complexity and flavour profile. Instead, all wine will be served at optimal temperatures directly from the fridge. Refilling rather than replacing water carafes and encouraging guests to taste the wines from a single glass are some of the other water saving measures put into place.
In an effort to get everyone on the #WaterlessWednesday bandwagon, Steenberg will reward ingenious water saving tips posted on their Facebook or Twitter accounts or given in person at the cellar door with a free Classic wine tasting on Wednesdays until the end of March.