Anthonij Rupert Wyne and L’Ormarins Estate close to visitors as a precautionary measure against Covid-19 - WineTourismZA South Africa

Anthonij Rupert Wyne and L’Ormarins Estate close to visitors as a precautionary measure against Covid-19

In light of the recent Coronavirus outbreak, Anthonij Rupert Wyne and L’Ormarins Estate have made the proactive decision to restrict all vi...

In light of the recent Coronavirus outbreak, Anthonij Rupert Wyne and L’Ormarins Estate have made the proactive decision to restrict all visitors to the Estates as a measure to protect both its guests as well as its employees from the spread of the virus. 

This decision has not been taken lightly, and has been made in an effort to join the national and international endeavours in containing the spread of the virus.

Anthonij Rupert Estate, having operated by appointment for some time, will be reimbursing all guest bookings with prior paid reservations for the next 30 days in full. No guests will be received on the Estate from Monday, 16 March 2020 until Tuesday, 15 April 2020.

“We extend our thoughts, prayers and solidarity to all the communities of South Africa at this difficult time, and remain in deep faith that we will succeed at mitigating the effects by working together,” says Managing Director Gary Baumgarten.

For any queries please contact the Estate on tastings@rupertwines.com.

Pictures: SUPPLIED

© 2020 Herman Lintvelt - WineTourismZA

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